Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yes, I had totally forgotten about this blog

Yikes! I had forgotten all about this blog as well as my Doozendazzy blog. Hmmm, will have to get my act in gear or close 'em all down.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

21st century librarian

Great article on the role of the 21st librarian. Nothing new really, but still worth reading for the reminder.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I haven't forgotten this space

I know it's been awhile since I published anything on this blog. There are so many other great blogs about what libraries are doing in the realm of web 2.0 that mine seems rather redundant. But who cares! :)

Here are some of the things that I am working on for my library - we now have a Twitter account (CAStateLibrary) and a Facebook page ( I am starting to work on a podcast or two for the library. We have a great librarian who is excellent at telling tales from California history. He's agreed to do a couple of spots. No cost to tax payers except for the time it will take to write, practice, and record.

We are also working on updating our web page. It needs it! We are hoping to make it more like a virtual branch rather than a directory of the services we offer.

There is so much we could do using the new technology - all we need now is resources, resources, resources. Although adversity brings on creativity!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bar coding!

Interesting bit of technology news -- using bar codes to send info to cell phones. The technology seems to have already taken off in Japan. Check out the story, "Bar Code Hopping in San Francisco."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lots of catching up to do!

I have been so bad about posting here! And a lot has happened since my last post. First, I have a new position at the State Library, "Digital Programs Consultant." My duties keep me jumping from helping create wikis to learning how to do screencasting to getting involved with section 508 accessibility issues. I am having the time of my life!

Now, I gotta post more and get back into Twittering, which I have let slip. Not enough hours in the day for all the stuff I want to do .

Monday, October 22, 2007

Web 2.0 and Government

A couple of weeks ago, I gave a presentation to the California State Webmasters' User Group on how governments around the world are incorporating Web 2.0 tools into their official (and not so official) sites. It seems to have sparked quite an interest among the state's webmasters. Yes!

One thing I did learn from the presentation is that librarians are some of the most technologically savvy people around. (Don't ask how I learned that...) We keep it pretty quiet. Perhaps it is our desire to get people the information they need in the most efficient manner or to deliver the information to the customer in his or her desired manner. Whatever it is, it certainly prompts us to explore the ways in which technology can be used to do what we do best -- bring people and information together.

Back to government 2.0. It is great to see blogs, rss feeds, tag clouds, video, and podcasts showing up on government sites. I've seen a number of local and federal government agencies on Twitter. And some on Facebook. I wish the Facebook folks would set up a network for those of us who work the state in CA.

It intrigues me that government is also showing up in Second Life -- I had a wonderful time visiting NOAA's Island there. Interestingly, libraries of all sorts have really taken an active role in using virtual worlds to provide services.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Second Life course

Sadly my Second Life (SL) course came to an end. I still am not comfortable in SL and I find that I am as shy in SL as I am in RL (that is to say, real life). It is a fascinating place and I do want to spend more time there. Am thinking about taking the next set of classes.